

• SEL0314: Electronic Circuits II

• SEL0613: Electronic Circuits II

• SEL0315: Electronic Circuits III

• SEL0610: Laboratory of Electronic Circuits

• SEL0316: Laboratory of Electronic Circuits I

• SEL0317: Laboratory of Electronic Circuits II

• SEL0318: Laboratory of Electronic Circuits III

• SEL0327: Laboratory of Fundamentals on Control Engineering

Didactic Material

Class Notes on Biomedical Engineering (New!) – Classe Notes of Prof. Bassani (updated by Prof. Marlon (Cap. 6, Cap.7, and updates))

Electrical Drawing with Inkscape – library of electrical components on Inkscape (see video lesson)

Prof. Veronese Library e General Library – download library of components for LTspice XVII software

Using LTspice IV – download a manual for LTspice IV

Equipaments Manuals – download manual equiments of laboratory instruments

How to use Latex – a book of how to use Latex for high quality text generation (laboratory report)como usar o Latex para confecção de textos (p.e.: relatórios de laboratório).

Virtual Instrumentation


CAEG Project of Excelence in Teaching in Undergraduate Laboratory Subjects

On the left, Analog Discovery 2 (Digilent, EUA), and on the right, the board labrador (from project Caninos Loucos, a partnership with Escola Politécnica of USP)

Virtual instrumentation consists of access instrumentation devices, or systems that probe circuits or check a task being developed by another device, virtually, e.g. by a graphical user interface in a computer. A diverse range of measuring instruments, like oscilloscopes, multimeters, impedance analyzers, function generators, and others, can be integrated, with good performance, in instrumentation kits, like the one created by Digilent, the Analog Discovery 2 (Digilent, EUA) on the left of above picture.

These virtual instrumentation kits can be used in laboratory subjects in undergraduate courses to reduce the full instrumentation and local infrastructural costs, also opening significant opportunities for remote teaching. The virtual instrumentation can be accessed online from single-board computers, for example. The single-board computer (SBC) used in our tests was the one developed by Caninos Loucos project, from Escola Politécnica, USP.

Technical Visits


Polytechnique Laboratories

In the year of 2019, one important question was treated inside the Department about the modernization of undergraduate and graduate laboratories. Given a recent curriculum restructuring in Electrical Engineering, a group of professors scheduled a meeting at the University of São Paulo, Campus São Paulo, to address this question.

On 2019, September 3, one meeting occurs in the laboratories of electronic circuits, electrical measurements, control and automation, and digital systems, discussing the instrumentation and laboratory scripts, and how the students interact with the subjects. After this, some strategies have been developed by Professor Dr. Leopoldo Yoshioka and Dra. Elisabete Galeazzo, with the development of some kits for electronics teaching, and projects-based subjects, with some good results.

We thank professors Dra. Elisabete Galeazzo, Dr. Leopoldo Rideki Yoshioka, Dr. Sebastião Gomes dos Santos Filho, from PSI, and also to Prof. Dr. Bruno de Carvalho Albertini, from PCS, for receiving us in Escola Politécnica.

After the visit to the laboratories of Politécnica, some initiatives were conducted toward modernization in the laboratories of SEL. We developed some

. Dentre elas, há uma iniciativa de se utilizar instrumentação virtual para deixar as práticas laboratorias mais dinâmicas, e permitir a utilização de instrumentos de medida remotamente. Essa abordagem pode ser possível, por exemplo, com a utilização de placas como a Analog Discovery 2, da Digilent.


Driven by the necessity of modernization in the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories, the professors Dr. José Marcos Alves and Dr. Maximiliam Luppe organized a technical visit to STMicroelectronics, to talk about possible partnerships, and to know their portfolio. In São Paulo, it was possible to talk about teaching and research ideas, and the company engineers Cícero Pompeu, Alfredo Luthold, and Magno Fernandes gave important contributions, in a meeting on December 17, 2019, also offering some possibilities of products donation to the Electrical and Computing Engineering Dept. (SEL) of São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC).

Institution: STMicroelectronics is a Franco-Italian company with headquarters in Geneva, Swiss, one of the largest semiconductor integrated circuit and electronic producers.

Visit to STMicroeletronics on December 2019.